Rock Song

I hear the sounds eminating from my radio

I get excited when I hear a song I didn’t know

5 o’clock never comes too fast

Each day feels like the last

I think I have to quit 

Never trust a man who promises

He’s the boss so he doesn’t mean a word he says

The day turns into night

Let’s get this party started right

And now you’ve waited too long

And it’s just another rock song

And you don’t know the words

But if we try to get it right

We can party on a Tuesday night

Scream and we’ll be heard


I hear the sounds eminating from my radio

The cubicle is small

I keep the music low

Break the monotony

Who cares if we have to be back here at 8am

Yeah we’ll call in sick again


The day turns into night

We’ll get this party started right

I think I’ll call my friends

Where are all my friends?

Humble Humans

Humble Humans is a Digital Maker of things in Asbury Park, NJ.